Check these out.

  • NIFTY Business
    This is not my official review. This is a placeholder. You can submit reviews for any podcast listed. You can also submit new podcasts. This podcast is rated well on iTunes. More information coming soon.
  • The Nifty Show
    This is not an official review. This is more of a placeholder. You can submit reviews for any podcast listed. You can also submit new podcasts. Billed as The World’s First NFT Podcast at the time of writing they… Continue reading The Nifty Show

Ideas for this site, or submit a podcast for listing.

If you have a podcast about NFTs, art, or crypto. Please use the form below to let me know about it and why people should check it out.

If you listen to a cool podcast you love please leave a review for consideration.

This form results are monitored every couple of weeks unless I start getting more traffic.

* Support artists by owning some of their work. If you think this is a viable idea; let me know if you like this or want to be involved.

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